How to Plan Your Wedding with the Best Catering Service in Kolkata?

O ften we tend to go crazy when planning the wedding menu . Food is an important part of any gathering or social event, be it a wedding, corporate event or birthday party. Every catering event requires careful planning. Below is a list of tasks to keep in mind for a while when planning wedding catering: • Banquet First we need to create a replica of the layout of the catering location in our mind. Banquets are a very popular type of seating for guests who honor the occasion with their presence. Banquet consists of a classic framework consisting of many individual tables. • Detailed and signed contracts There are various event planning companies in Kolkata but the best one is La Fiesta Catering Services Catering Service. The company believes in providing customers with 100% transparency. You record your data and ask them to sign a contract. This is the best catering service and the most obvious choice for everyone. • Dietary restrictions Some people want their food to be s...