Catering Changes To Adapt To The New Normal

The COVID pandemic has impacted every industry, including weddings and events. We have also been impacted by the pandemic in wedding catering; however, we have worked hard to customize our orders, services and processes on the go to ensure we can continue to provide the best wedding services our customers have been waiting for. With this in mind, we have redefined wedding catering after the COVID blockade. If you're planning a wedding during the pandemic and want to hire a caterer, here are some tips to keep in mind.

Catering Changes To Adapt To The New Normal


We have redefined our catering services to provide high quality food for smaller weddings. We understand that many weddings are smaller than originally thought due to social distancing guidelines. If the size of your wedding has changed, that's okay. We can customize our services to offer the same delicious food at smaller weddings.

SHIFT sooner than later

On the other hand, you may not want to reduce the size of your wedding. You work hard to make sure today is your dream and you want to have as many people as possible. If you want to move space due to size restrictions, it's better to do it sooner rather than later. The earlier you postpone your wedding, the more likely we will be there for you on a new date to celebrate your wedding.


We know the pandemic is still here and we are working hard to keep everyone as safe as possible. Because of this, we follow all CDC guidelines. This includes hand washing, masks, gloves, and social distancing where possible.

To comply with these guidelines, we are seeing an increasing demand for our food trucks. We know that it's easier for us to follow these guidelines when serving food from our food trucks. This makes it easier for us to protect our employees and guests. We always put safety on our priority list.


Wedding catering may have changed, but we are still working hard to provide the same outstanding service that everyone expects. At Chef's Catering we can help you get married even during a pandemic! Contact us to learn more about how our wedding catering services are adapting to today's climate!

Some Safety Protocols

La Fiesta thus wants to enunciate certain necessary wedding safety Protocols in wedding catering taken to action preserving the joy of celebrations with the COVID wedding guidelines.

  • Referring to a large hall or big space for a wedding ceremony Fiesta is bound to serve not more than 50 people at a time during a banquet.
  • To accomplish this, La Fiesta team will serve for longer; beginning early and finishing late.
  • La Fiesta arranges zones and seats in wedding catering for everyone to settle before removing their masks to have food.
  • For Lunch – team will begin to serve main course at 1pm and continue to manage with the flow of guests without crossing the limit of 50 guests at a time.
  • Again for dinner – we will start the food distribution early. Guests coming earlier will be served as early as possible.
  • Meanwhile, other groups of guests will be served with appetizers separately.
  • Under wedding safety Protocols each guest is given their own water bottle. Extra masks and sanitizers are kept for guests.
  • The serving team will be wearing gloves, masks; carrying sanitizer sprays along with food trolleys and will be keeping the food containers covered.
  • Food table, utensils will be cleaned and sanitized before and after every batch.
  • Guests will be served with maximum disposable paper cups and tools so it avoids any possibility of contagion.

For more information please contact La Fiesta Catering at 91-9674086314


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